Program Commemoration ceremonies
House of Remembrance Marcel-Callo-Straße 3 Oberösterreich |
Opening of the exhibition "Marcel Callo - Victim of Gusen II" with film screening at the House of Remembrance In 1943 the young Frenchman, scout and member of the Catholic Workers' Movement was conscripted to Nazi forced labour manufacturing small arms in Thuringia. There he took care of his comrades, founded sports groups, organised forbidden church services and made contact with French prisoners of war who were imprisoned nearby. Detention, Gotha prison, starvation and forced labour again, deportation to Gusen II, where he was maltreated to death in the "Bergkristall" mine. The young Frenchman spent the last days of his life until his death in the Mauthausen "Sonderrevier". 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Gusen II Concentration Camp. The exhibition will be open until May 2024. |
Minoriten Wels Rainerstraße 2 Oberösterreich |
KLANG ZEICHEN SETZEN - An event against violence on International Holocaust Remembrance Day Joana RADZYNER, historian and long-time ORF journalist, reads from her book "Sklavenarbeit unter dem Hakenkreuz" (Slave labour under the Swastika), which she authored together with Reinhard ENGEL. She will also read from a volume of poetry by her mother Tamara. The A CAPELLA CHOR WELS under the direction of Julia AUER will contrast these haunting, oppressive (dark) texts with "light music" from the 1930s and 1940s as a counterpoint. |
Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt Goethepark 1 Kärnten |
Matinee on International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt The City of Klagenfurt and the Advisory Board for the Culture of Remembrance and Commemoration invite you to the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day matinee: Sunday, 28 January at 10:00 am at Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt. This year's keynote speaker will be Ernst GRUBE, born in 1932. Welcome and opening: Mayor Christian SCHEIDER |
Memorial for Peace Anton-Riepl-Straße/Gallneukirchner Straße Oberösterreich |
Memorial rally for the "Mühlviertler Manhunt" at the Memorial for Peace The Mauthausen Committee Gallneukirchen invites you to a memorial rally at the Memorial for Peace in Gallneukirchen. |
Memorial stone of Diakoniewerk Hauptstraße 3 Oberösterreich |
Memorial rally on "Euthanasia murders - unworthy life" at the memorial stone of Diakoniewerk After the memorial celebration at the Memorial for Peace, a memorial rally on the subject of "Euthanasia murders - worthless life" will take place at the memorial stone of Diakoniewerk in Gallneukirchen. |
Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg Puchberg 1 Oberösterreich |
Political Ash Wednesday The well-known Austrian filmmaker, science journalist and author Kurt LANGBEIN will participate in the 14th Ash Wednesday Talk organised by the Wels Initiative against Fascism at the Schloss Puchberg Education Centre. In conversation with journalist and Antifa activist Marina WETZLMAIER, the award-winning non-fiction author, director and producer will talk about his many years of work and his socio-political approach to time-critical topics such as health, the environment and democracy. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas over classic herring cheese and drinks. |
Donausaal Mauthausen Josef-Czerwenka-Straße 4 Oberösterreich |
"No one has the right to obey" (Hannah Arendt) - Commemorative event on the "Mühlviertel Manhunt". In commemoration of the "Mühlviertel Manhunt", perspektive mauthausen is organising an eventing about law and justice with music and literature. Konstanze BREITEBNER will read. The music program will be provided by HAUSGEMACHT. |
Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg Puchberg 1 Oberösterreich |
40th anniversary of the Wels Initiative against Fascism Numerous Elfriede-Grünberg-award laureates will attend. There will be an extensive program with musical accompaniment. |
Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg Puchberg 1 Oberösterreich |
Book presentation "Brüchiges Schweigen" (engl. Fragile silence) by Brigitte HALBMAYR The book presentation of Brigitte HALBMAYR's "Brüchiges Schweigen" will take place in cooperation with the Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg and Willi ACHLEITNER. |
Offenes Haus Oberwart OHO Lisztgasse 12 Burgenland |
17:00 - 20:00
Conference: "Never Again is Now" - RE.F.U.G.I.U.S. Commemoration and remembrance during times of war, hatred, and violence. RE.F.U.G.I.U.S. has invited the following speakers: Danielle SPERA, former ORF journalist, Director of the Jewish Museum Vienna from 2010 to 2022 Maximilian LAKITSCH, Senior Scientist with a focus on Global Governance at the Institute for Foundations of Law at Karl-Franzens University of Graz Walter MANOSCHEK, retired associate professor of Political Sciences Katharina TIWALD, freelance writer, teacher Host: Walter REISS |
Kreuzstadl Geschriebensteinstraße Burgenland |
Commemoration of all victims of the construction of the South-East Wall Paul GULDA, RE.F.U.G.I.U.S. |
Schlachthaus Steinamangerstr. 41a Burgenland |
Unveiling of the Memorial of the Victims of the Slaughterhouse Massacre In memory of 18 Hungarian Jews who were murdered by fanatic National Socialists shortly before the end of the war, on 25 March 1945. They were shot and hurriedly buried in the middle of a field. In 1970 their bodies were exhumed and buried with dignity. Welcoming speech: Christine TEUTSCHLER About the memorial: Artistic designer: Wolfgang A. HORWATH |
Naturpark Mittelschule Schulgasse 10 Burgenland |
Book presentation "Rechnitz. The Slaughterhouse Massacre in March 1945" On 24 March 1945, up to 180 Jewish Hungarian forced labourers were murdered in Rechnitz at the Kreuzstadl. Welcoming speech: Mayor Martin KRAMELHOFER and Dir. Vera TANGL |
Memorial near the Serbenhalle Pottendorferstraße 47 Niederösterreich |
Wreath ceremony at the site of the former Wiener Neustadt Satellite Camp at the memorial near the Serbenhalle in an intimate setting with representatives of the city |
Memorial Johannesstraße 16-32 Niederösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Hinterbrühl Satellite Camp with prayer at the Way of Sorrows Participants can visit five different stations at the Way of Sorrows with varying themes and musical accompaniment. |
Details about the venue: TBA Niederösterreich |
"Disappeared Wiener Neudorf Residents" Presentation of research findings on the victims of National Socialism in Wiener Neudorf. |
At the park outside Hirtenberg Middle School Corner of B18/Enzesfelder Straße Niederösterreich |
Unveiling of a stele at the site of the former Hirtenberg Satellite Camp |
Protestant Church St. Margarethenstraße 4 Steiermark |
Memorial trail in memory of the prisoners' march from the sites of forced labour to the former concentration camp site |
Concentration Camp Memorial Peggau Mittereggstraße 1 Steiermark |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Peggau Satellite Camp |
Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour Volksgartenstraße 40 Oberösterreich |
Hermann-Langbein-Symposium from 8 April to 12 April 2024 For more than 40 years, the seminar "Ideology and reality of National Socialism", better known as the "Hermann-Langbein-Symposium”, has been a substantial module for continuing education on the topic of the "Nazi era in Austria". The symposium aims at raising awareness about the atrocities of the National Socialists and offering extensive knowledge and information about anti-fascist educational work for teachers of all school types. Since the place where the seminar is held is close to the Mauthausen and Hartheim memorials, excursions to these sites and their educational offers are possible. The seminar is accessible to everyone, and attending individual lectures only is also possible. It is the longest running event within the teacher training activities. |
Auerspergsaal Schloss Ennsegg Schloßgasse 4 Oberösterreich |
Reading by Jack HERSCH from his book "Escape on the Death March" The US-American Jack HERSCH reads from his book about his father David HERSCH, who managed to escape during the death march from Mauthausen to Gunskirchen in April 1945. He was hidden by the FRIEDMANN family in Kristein and thus survived. |
Basilica of St. Laurenz Lauriacumstraße 4 Oberösterreich |
"David Hersch Memorial March" in Enns and Ennsdorf Together we will walk part of the route that David HERSCH had to take in April 1945. His son Jack HERSCH and the historian Angelika SCHLACKL will provide additional information. The new memorial to the victims of the death marches, which was opened by the Mauthausen Committee in October 2022, will also be presented. |
Jewish cemetery Garnisonstraße 20 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration at the Jewish cemetery in Wels The Wels Initiative against Fascism invites you to a commemoration at the Jewish cemetery in Wels with Christine HAIDEN, author, journalist, and president of the Upper Austrian Press Club. |
Basilica of St. Laurenz Lauriacumstraße 4 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration of the victims of the Enns death marches at the Enns-St. Laurenz Basilica Memorial service for the 87 victims who were buried at the Enns cemetery. Thanks to recent research, some of the names of those murdered are now known. We will commemorate with words and music. |
Kulturstadel St. Aegyd Marktplatz Niederösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of former St. Aegyd satellite camp The commemoration ceremony on the annual theme of "Law and Justice in National Socialism" will be organised by students from St. Aegyd Middle School with content and music. As always, the event will conclude with a silent march from the Kulturstadel to the concentration camp memorial site. |
Memorial for Roma und Sinti Ignaz Rieder Kai 21 Salzburg |
Commemoration at the memorial for Roma and Sinti The Cultural Association of Austrian Roma, in co-operation with the Salzburg Peace Office, invites you to a commemoration ceremony at the memorial for Roma and Sinti. During the National Socialist regime, Roma and Sinti from the city and the rural regions of Salzburg were rounded up at the former trotting track in the city of Salzburg and taken from there to the Maxglan Camp. Due to the "Auschwitz Decree", the Maxglan Camp was closed at the end of March/beginning of April 1943. The majority of the approximately 300 Roma and Sinti were deported to the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. A smaller group was sent to the so-called "Gypsy Detention Camp" in Lackenbach. |
Tischlerei Melk Kulturwerkstatt Abt Karl-Straße 27a Niederösterreich |
Panel discussion "The Captivation of Authoritarianism" In commemoration of 80 years since the construction of the Melk Satellite Camp and celebrating 30 years since the MERKwürdig Association was established. "Remembering means working on the future", writes Aleida ASSMANN. In light of increasing anti-democratic and fascist tendences all across Europe, the panel discussion will cover topics such as authoritarianism, fascism, and anti-democracy in a world that is greatly affected by digital media. Practical counterstrategies will be a particular focus. The panellists: |
Ansfelden Primary School/Kremsbrücke Ansfelden Anton-Bruckner-Straße 10 Oberösterreich |
Never forget - GEH.DENKEN 2024 "We walk, we think, and we act for Peace." This is the title of the project "Human Rights Education - Political Education in Primary Schools" focussing on local contemporary history in 4th grade. What happened 79 years ago at the Kremsbrücke? Near the Kremsbrücke in Ansfelden, students commemorate the victims of the death marches Jews had to undertake from Mauthausen to Gunskirchen. |
Kremsbrücke Gasthof Stockinger Ritzlhofstraße 63/65 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration 2024: "Everyone is Someone - Law and Justice" Equality in value and dignity: This is what makes us human beings. In this world, where oppression is the rule and liberation the exception, we need stories of a different world, a world where justice and law are the basis of our coexistence. Commemoration of the victims and survivors of the death marches for Jews from Mauthausen/Gusen to Gunskirchen near Kremsbrücke and Gasthaus Stockinger. |
Burghof Burggasse 8 Kärnten |
Memorial walk for the victims of the NS justice system in Klagenfurt Meeting point: Burghof in Klagenfurt |
Regional Court Klagenfurt Josef-Wolfgang-Dobernig-Straße 2 Kärnten |
Memorial walk for the victims of NS justice system in Klagenfurt Meeting point: Regional Court Klagenfurt |
Memorial to the victims of the Nazi death marches of 1945 Stadtpark Steiermark |
12:00 - 13:00
"Law and Justice in National Socialism" - Vigil of the K.Ö.St.V. Riegersburg (MKV) against Neo-Nazism, violence, and extremism The vigil will take place at the memorial to the victims of the Nazi death marches of 1945 in Fürstenfeld municipal park. Speakers: K.Ö.St.V. Riegersburg |
Gasthaus "Zur Bast" Haidestraße 22, Oriongasse Wien |
Commemoration at the former Wien Saurer-Werke Satellite Camp |
Kulturverein Kino Ebensee Schulgasse 6 Oberösterreich |
Scenic theatre by "teatro caprile" on the subject of "Youth under the Swastika" Performance for students |
Kulturverein Kino Ebensee Schulgasse 6 Oberösterreich |
Scenic theatre by "teatro caprile" on the subject of "Youth under the Swastika" Evening performance |
Memorial Rathausplatz Steiermark |
10:30 - 11:30
Commemoration ceremony at the Rathausplatz Memorial Contemporary witnesses: Gabriella GOLDMANN and Norbert ZECHNER |
Herzograd Memorial Anna-Strasser-Platz Niederösterreich |
"Law and Justice in National Socialism" - Commemoration ceremony in St. Valentin with political scientist and author Petra RAMSAUER, ORF moderator Tarek LEITNER and theologian and editor of the Linzer KirchenZeitung Josef WALLNER. The art installation "Stein unter Bewachung" by the Japanese-German artist Seiji KIMOTO will be unveiled. |
St. Leonhard Cemetery Pyhrnstraße 165 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony of the victims of National Socialism at the "Fremdvölkisches Kinderheim" |
Memorial stone in Salzburger Vorstadt Salzburger Vorstadt 15 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration at the memorial for victims of National Socialism Ceremony for the victims of war and National Socialism in Braunau Speaker: Karl MARKOVICS In case of bad weather, the commemoration ceremony will take place at the VAZ event centre of the city of Braunau. |
Memorial Bundesstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
"Walk of Solidarity" After the wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial on the Bundesstraße, the "Walk of Solidarity" will begin at around 10.15 am. |
KZ Cemetery Oberösterreich |
Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Gunskirchen Satellite Camp Welcome: Christian SCHÖFFMANN, Mayor of Gunskirchen The liberation ceremony will take place with the participation of the Gunskirchen secondary school, the Gunskirchen music school and the Singkreis Edt. |
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
10:00 - 17:00
Walking tour at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial and discussion meeting focusing on female prisoners As a part of the feminist commemoration of women, there will be two walking tours at the concentration camp memorial (one of them with translation into Austrian sign language) and a discussion meeting. |
Concentration Camp Memorial Ebensee Max-Zieger-Straße Oberösterreich |
Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Ebensee Satellite Camp Memorial lecture by Niklas FRANK |
Tischlerei Melk Kulturwerkstatt Abt Karl-Straße 27a Niederösterreich |
Opening reception of the Street Art Festival "Handreichung" to celebrate 30 years of MERKwürdig Austrian as well as international artists display the over 38 native languages of the prisoners of the Melk Satellite Camp. The artworks will temporarily affect the appearance of the World Heritage city of Melk from 4 May to 28 September 2024. The artists and curators will attend the opening reception. There will be music by Baba Yaga, a wild Balkans-Klezmer-Crossover-Combo. |
Gusen Concentration Camp Memorial, Appellplatz (150 metres east of the crematorium) Georgestraße 7 Oberösterreich |
Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Gusen Satellite Camp The liberation ceremony is dedicated to the theme: "The Roll Call Square. Place of Murder, Place of Torture. What happend here back then? What did the prisoners have to stand here for?" At the end of the commemoration, a wreath ceremony will take place near the former crematorium. |
Memorial for Roma and Sinti, Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the Memorial for Roma and Sinti as a part of the International Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony As a result of many years of cooperation between the Cultural Association of Austrian Roma and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, the memorial was opened to the public on 9 May 1998 with a festive ceremony. Shortly before the end of the war, on 9 March 1945, 450 female Sinti and Roma and their children were transported from Ravensbrück to Mauthausen. The babies and children were murdered by the National Socialists as soon as they arrived. Organiser: Cultural Association of Austrian Roma |
Barrack 1, former camp brothel, Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Anti-fascist feminist women's commemoration: "Visibility against forgetting" Remembering and commemoration leads to today. In memory of the persecution, murder and resistance of women, lesbians and girls under Nazi fascism. |
Wailing wall, memorial plaque for the 42, Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony of the KZ-Verband/VdA Upper Austria for the 42 resistance fighters murdered on 28 April 1945 The memorial plaque, which was unveiled in 2001 in memory of the 42 anti-fascists who were gassed on 28 and 29 April 1945, is an important symbol of commemoration for the political resistance in Austria. The majority of the 42 were part of the so-called "Welser Gruppe” which was annihilated by the Gestapo in 1944. The commemoration ceremony is organised by the KZ-Verband/VdA Upper Austria. |
Memorial plaque for Richard Bernaschek (rear of former infirmary), Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony for the Social Democrats murdered at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Organiser: Federation of Social Democratic Freedom Fighters, Victims of Fascism and Active Anti-Fascists |
Quarry, Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Erinnerungsstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
International Youth Commemoration |
Chapel at the memorial site Oberösterreich |
Ecumenical service |
International Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial Oberösterreich |
International Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony 2024 on the topic of "Law and Justice in National Socialism" On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp, the International Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony will take place at the Mauthausen Memorial. The Ceremony with a memorial procession will be held with an unlimited number of participants once again this year.
The International Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony is dedicated to the topic of "Law and Justice in National Socialism". As every year, referring to the present is an essential part of the event. There will be a live broadcast on ORF III for Austria and the event will also be streamed on the online channels of MKÖ in multiple languages. On the day of the liberation celebration, all wreaths must be delivered before 7:30 am at the latest. To enter the grounds of the CC memorial site, you need a delivery card (QR Code for delivery). On the day before the liberation celebration, the wreaths can be delivered until no later than 4:30 pm to the former camp for protective custody. |
Memorial stone Marktplatz Oberösterreich |
Commemoration in remembrance of the "Mühlviertel manhunt" After the Liberation and Commemoration Ceremony at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial, there will be a commemoration of the victims of the "Mühlviertel Manhunt" at the memorial in the town of Ried in der Riedmark. Opening and welcoming speech: MoP Sabine SCHATZ and mayor Christian TAUSCHEK |
Dr.-Josef-Sora-Platz Niederösterreich |
Walking tour to the Melk Concentration Camp memorial site The guided walking tour will lead from Dr.-Josef-Sora-Platz via Melk train station to "Objekt 10" at the site of the former satellite camp, near the Birago military barracks, and then to the Concentration Camp memorial in Melk at the former crematorium (Schießstattweg 2). The tour will take between 2 and 2.5 hours. Adequate clothing and hiking boots are recommended. |
Objekt 10, Birago military barracks (South Gate) Prinzlstraße 22 Niederösterreich |
Book presentation with music: "The forgotten Raid. Pexonne, 27 August 1944" Presentation of the German edition of Guillaume MAISSE’s book in the presence of the author. The book is about the raid of Pexonne, a small village in Lorraine, on 27 August 1944. The SS arrested 109 men and three women simply by virtue of suspected support of the French resistance movement. Many were deported to different concentration camps, 43 to the Melk Satellite Camp, where they were forced to work in the tunnel construction. Only four of them survived their time at the Melk Satellite Camp. Music by Johannes KAMMERER, works of French composers |
Regional Music School Kirchenplatz 3 Oberösterreich |
Reading from Franz Rieger´s book "Schattenschweigen oder Hartheim" The reading will be performed by Cornelia ELLER and Richard HASLINGER with musical accompaniment by Roman PRÜLLER on the accordion. |
Secondary School of the Association for Franciscan Education Graben 13 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony in Vöcklabruck by students of the ORG Vöcklabruck |
Memorial stone near the regional sports centre Bahnhofstraße/Schlossstraße Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the memorial stone at the site of the former Vöcklabruck Wagrain Satellite Camp We will lay down flowers at the memorial stone. |
Bildstock, Eisenreichdornach access road Schabfeldstrasse Niederösterreich |
Wreath ceremony in commemoration of the former Amstetten Satellite Camp There will be a wreath ceremony as well as ecumenical prayer. |
Objekt 10, Birago military barracks (South gate), Melk Concentration Camp Memorial Prinzlstraße 22 Niederösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Melk satellite camp The commemoration ceremony for the victims of the Melk Satellite Camp, which is traditionally visited by survivors of the camp and their families, focuses on the topic of "Law and Justice in National Socialism". Text contributions: Students of the Stiftsgymnasium Melk |
Concentration Camp Memorial Haagerstraße Oberösterreich |
"Law and Justice in National Socialism" - Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Steyr Satellite Camp Reception: Karl RAMSMAIER, Mauthausen Committee Steyr In case of bad weather, the liberation ceremony will take place at the Münichholz fire station, Prinzstraße 1a, 4400 Steyr. |
Concentration Camp Memorial Wiener Neudorf at Park der Erinnerung Eumigweg/Palmersstraße Niederösterreich |
Wreath ceremony at the concentration camp memorial |
Memorial stone in Pettighofen Agerstraße Oberösterreich |
Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Lenzing Satellite Camp with MoP Sabine SCHATZ |
Lichtspiele Lenzing Hauptplatz 6 Oberösterreich |
Film screening "Kreis der Wahrheit - Verity Circle" The story and life of the sisters Helga and Elisabeth. A journey through time, from hell into the light. |
Memorial in Zipf Langwies 48 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Redl-Zipf Satellite Camp Participants to the commemoration ceremony will be ARGE Schlier and students of Neukirchen an der Vöckla Middle School and Timelkam am Zipf Middle School. |
Heldenplatz Wien |
Festival of Joy In memory of the victims and with joy about the liberation from the Nazis' rule of terror, the MKÖ is organising the Festival of Joy for the twelfth time in 2024. This year's Festival of Joy is dedicated to the topic of "Law and Justice in National Socialism". Over the past eleven years, numerous visitors and virtual participants from Austria and abroad have sent a strong signal for the establishment of a worthy commemoration of 8 May as Liberation Day at the Festival of Joy. |
Memorial for Peace Anton-Riepl-Straße/Gallneukirchner Straße Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the Memorial for Peace The topical focus of the commemoration in Gallneukirchen is "Humans - Rights". Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (Art. 6 of the UN Convention on Human Rights). |
Floridsdorf District Museum Prager Straße 33 Wien |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Floridsdorf Satellite Camp The commemoration ceremony begins at the Floridsdorf District Museum. This will be followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial plaque in Hopfengasse. |
Memorial of Names Widmanngasse 35 Kärnten |
Annual commemoration ceremony in Villach at the Memorial of Names Welcome: Alexandra SCHMIDT The memorial speech will be held my Austrian writer, essayist, and playwright Antonio FIAN. Music: Saxophone quartet, Villach Music School |
Details about the venue: TBA Oberösterreich |
Excursion to Hartheim Castle Education and Memorial Centre |
Chapel of the University College of Education Diocese of Linz Salesianumweg 3 Oberösterreich |
"Lichtblicke" - Geh!Denk!Feier! in Linz by students of the 4th grade at the Adalbert-Stifter-Praxismittelschule in memory of the former Linz II Satellite Camp |
Memorial near the train station Oberösterreich |
Wreath ceremony at the concentration camp memorial at Attnang-Puchheim train station |
Cinema Mitterweg Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the Attnang-Puchheim cinema Participants in the commemoration: ORG of the Franciscan Sisters Vöcklabruck, Vocational School Attnang-Puchheim, accordion orchestra "musica accordis" |
Skiarena Präbichl Eisenstraße Steiermark |
17th March of Life in memory of the 250 Hungarian Jews who died in 1945 The 17th March of Life is organised as part of the project "Human rights and democracy as lived everyday culture" for Upper Styrian communities. We will commemorate the 250 Hungarian Jews who died in 1945 and walk along their path together. The meeting point is at 9.45 am in the Präbichl Skiarena. At 10 am the March of Life will lead via the Almhäuser to the memorial (approx. half an hour's walk). Please bring a fist-sized stone in memory of the victims. Warm clothing and rain gear are recommended. |
Memorial Präbichl Passhöhe Präbichl Steiermark |
Commemoration ceremony at the memorial in memory of the 250 Hungarian Jews who died in 1945 |
Memorial Dipoldsau Anger Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Dipoldsau Satellite Camp |
Dr.-Josef-Sora-Platz Niederösterreich |
Walking tour to the Melk Concentration Camp Memorial The guided walking tour will lead from Dr.-Josef-Sora-Platz via Melk train station to "Objekt 10" at the site of the former satellite camp, near the Birago military barracks, and then to the Concentration Camp Memorial in Melk at the former crematorium (Schießstattweg 2). The tour will take between 2 and 2.5 hours. Adequate clothing and hiking boots are recommended. |
Schloss Lind/das ANDERE heimatmuseum St. Marein 28 Steiermark |
Liberation ceremony at the site of the former Lind Castle Satellite Camp Literature & Music: Angelika HAGEN and Andreas SCHREIBER |
Contemporary History Museum & Concentration Camp Memorial Ebensee Kirchengasse 5 Oberösterreich |
Book presentation at Contemporary History Museum Ebensee Georg Friedrich HAAS: "Durch vergiftete Zeiten, Memoiren eines Nazibuben" (Through Toxic Times; Memoirs of a Nazi Boy) |
Tunnel portal Loibl - North, former forecourt of the Customs office Kärnten |
International Commemoration Ceremony at the site of the former Loibl North Satellite Camp The commemoration ceremony follows the tradition of trying to anchor this long "forgotten" satellite camp in Carinthia’s and Austria’s cultural memory. Mauthausen Committee Carinthia/Koroška feels a moral duty towards the victims of Loiblpass Concentration Camps, to tell the story of their suffering and dying, but also to preserve their story of courageous resistance and survival with honour. Welcoming words: Landeshauptmann Dr Peter KAISER |
Memorial Loibl-Süd Slowenien |
International Liberation Ceremony at the site of the former Loibl South Satellite Camp |
Domplatz (Cathedral Square) Karfreitstraße Kärnten |
"Svobodni! Liberated! A Festival in Honour of Resistance" Memorial Kärnten/Koroška invites you to a festival on Klagenfurt Cathedral Square. |
Memorial for Bretsteingraben Satellite Camp Bretsteingraben 16 Steiermark |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Bretstein Satellite Camp |
Schloss Goldegg, Kemenatensaal Hofmark 1 Salzburg |
"My father, the deserter" Conversation with Peter PIRKER, Reinhold BILGERI, Elfi OBLASSER, and Erhard GASSNER. |
Memorial stone for the Goldegg deserters Hofmark Salzburg |
Commemoration ceremony Guard of honour: State governor Wilfried HASLAUER |
Haus Einklang Hofmark 150 Salzburg |
"Sturmzeit" - songs and texts by Jura Soyfer Sabine HANK and Michael KÖHLMEIER tell the story of Jura SOYFER. Guests: Reinhold BILGERI and Tini KAINRATH |
Promoser Alm/Gedenkkapelle Kärnten/Friaul (Italien) |
Commemorative walk "Summer of 1944 - Paths of Remembrance" On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the massacre on the civilian population by the National Socialists and fascists on the Italian Carnic Mountain pastures, we will hike to the memorial chapel on the Promoser Alm/Cra. Promosio and on to Timau. The trail leads via Bischofalm, a section of the Carnic High Mountain Trail and the Kronhofer Törl to the Promoser Alm - Malga di Pramosio (Italy). We will commemorate the innocent victims at the alpine chapel. After refreshment at the mountain hut, we will descend to Timau, from where the AV bus or a taxi will take us back to the starting point. Ascent: 1100 metres, descent: 1000 metres, meeting point: Weidenburg fire station at 5:00 am. |
Memorial for the victims of National Socialism Bahnhofstraße Kärnten |
Commemoration ceremony at the memorial for the victims of National Socialism Commemoration of those persecuted during the Nazi era in the Oberes Drautal |
Memorial Weyer camp Moosachstraße 18 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony for the victims of St. Pantaleon-Weyer camp with wreath ceremony |
Alkoven/Schloss Hartheim Schloßstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony for the victims of Nazi euthanasia at Hartheim Castle |
Pfarrbaracke Spielfeldstraße 1 Oberösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony at the site of the former Ternberg Satellite Camp in memory of the victims of National Socialism The commemoration will show that young people in Upper Austria know how to deal sensitively with the past of memorial sites. In addition, the commitment to respect and honour humann dignity an human rights shall also be demonstrated. Together we want to set an example! The memorial room is open from 5 pm. |
Annabichl cemetery Flughafenstraße 7 Kärnten |
Commemoration ceremony for the victims for a free Austria The commemoration ceremony takes place in memory of the victims of the Nazi terror regime in Carinthia. |
National Park visitors centre Ennstal Eisenstraße 75 Oberösterreich |
Opening event "Hartheimkünstler" (Hartheim's Artists) |
Goldegg Castle Hofmark 1 Salzburg |
Laying of stumbling stones at Goldegg Castle |
Memorial Johannesstraße 16-32 Niederösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony on All Saints Day |
Pfarrkirche Pfarrplatz 1 Oberösterreich |
Requiem in the parish church In memory of the children of the "Fremdvölkisches Kinderheim" at Etzelsdorf Castle. |
Church cemetery Pfarrplatz 1 Oberösterreich |
Memorial for the victims of the "Fremdvölkisches Kinderheim" at Etzelsdorf Castle The commemoration speech will be given by Gabriella HAUCH, University of Vienna. |
Regional music school Kirchenplatz 3 Oberösterreich |
Opening event "Hartheimkünstler" (Hartheim's Artists) |
Regional Music School Kirchenplatz 3 Oberösterreich |
Film screening "Im Museum/T4 - Hartheim 1" (At the Museum/T4 - Hartheim 1) Direction and screenplay: Werner KOFLER |
Memorial for Roma und Sinti Ritzingerstraße 2 Burgenland |
Commemoration ceremony Rally and wreath ceremony at the memorial for Roma and Sinti in Lackenbach in memory of the Roma and Sinti murdered by the National Socialists. On 23 November 1940, the Lackenbach Camp, known by the Nazis as the "Gypsy Camp", was established in a former estate. Among the 4,000 Roma and Sinti interned there, 2,000 were deported to the Łódź/Litzmannstadt Ghetto in autumn 1941 and murdered. Only 300 to 400 prisoners survived the liberation by Soviet troops in April 1945. |
Memorial Johannesstraße 16-32 Niederösterreich |
Commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the turn of the year |